Regents Tutoring
After-school regents tutoring will begin on Monday, March 24th from 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Monday through Thursday until June 2025. The subject areas and schedules are:
Algebra 1, Room 223 with Ms. Candidato
Earth and Space Science, Room 234 with Mr. Rupaniana
English Language Arts (Grade 9-10), Room 226 with Ms. Tampori
Global History, Room 221 with Ms. Lupascu
English Language Arts (Grade 11-12), Room 228 with Ms. Johns
English Language Arts (Grade 9), Room 241 with Ms. Saint Jean
Biology, Room 236 with Mr. Rose
US History, Room 226 with Mr. Labozetta
For any questions or concerns please email or call (718) 290-8760.