What is P-Tech?

Introducing P-Tech: Shaping the Future for Brooklyn Students

P-Tech, short for the New York State Pathways in Technology program, is a dynamic public-private initiative. Its mission? To equip countless New York students with the skills needed for the future's high-tech, manufacturing, healthcare, and finance job landscape. 

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P-Tech offers five key advantages for students:

  1. An Associate of Applied Science degree in a high-tech field for FREE.

  2. A rigorous "grades 9 to 14" education focused on STEM careers.

  3. Immersive workplace experiences, including mentorship, worksite visits, speakers, and internships.

  4. Personalized academic support from K-12 and college faculty, allowing students to progress at their own pace.

  5. Priority job placement with participating business partners upon program completion.

But that's not all! P-Tech also aims to:

- Create high-wage, high-skill career programs.

- Align educational systems for success.

- Foster academic excellence.

- Guide students towards informed career choices.

- Provide a skilled workforce to key technical industries.

With P-Tech, students can earn college credit while pursuing career pathways from ninth grade onward. This journey includes workplace learning and coursework spanning high school and college, culminating in an A.A.S. degree.

Why focus on Grades 9-14?

In a rapidly changing world, today's youth must be ready for tomorrow. P-Tech schools empower students to navigate this dynamic landscape. By addressing STEM skills gaps and nurturing strong interpersonal skills, these institutions prepare New York City's youth to thrive in a global economy. P-Tech is a gateway to ensuring our youth are well-equipped for the challenges ahead.

To apply go to www.myschools.nyc and use program code L48A.

Apply now at www.myschools.nyc


Use Code L48A


Apply now at www.myschools.nyc 〰️ Use Code L48A 〰️

For assistance in applying or more information including scheduling a school visit, please complete the form below or call (718) 290-8760.

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